(No electronic check or credit/debit card payments accepted in the office)
You can now pay your taxes on-line. The fee associated with on-line payments (MSB charges) are as follows: $1.50 for an electronic check
$3.95 for debit card
2.39 % for credit cards.
Go to at the bottom of this page click on the “Tax Data” oval. This will take you to the Sauk County Ascent Land Records Suite (ALRS) search screen. Less is better when searching. For Municipality: click arrow on the right side of the box and choose 008 (Town of Delton). In the Last Name box: Enter your last name, business name, or trust name then click on the “Find Now” button. Your parcel(s) should pop up below. Click on the red parcel number. On the next screen click on the “Taxes” bar. Scroll to the bottom and click the “Pay Taxes” button. This will take you to the shopping cart for MSB credit card system.
If you have lost or misplaced your tax bill you can print a copy from Sauk County’s website using the same search information as above. You do not have to scroll to the bottom or click the “Pay Taxes” button.