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Garbage Day is Fridays!

Each single family residence is issued one cart for garbage and one cart for recycling. The collection day is Tuesday. Garbage and recycling should be placed at the curb no later than 6:00 AM the day of collection, but no earlier than 6:00 PM the night before.

Please place carts facing the street, handle towards your home (There are arrows and instructions on the lid).

When it is recycling week, place both of the carts facing the street a minimum 3 feet apart from each other to facilitate removal.

Town Residents have curbside pickup every week and recycling every other week. The specific dates for recycling pick up can be found on the recycling schedule below.  For further information on recycling locations please see Sauk County Clean Sweep Alternatives at:


Garbage Pick-up

Garbage will be placed in the "GARBAGE" container. Garbage is picked up every Friday starting at 6:00 AM Only garbage in the carts will be picked up. If your garbage has not been picked up please call LRS at (608) 580-0580.


Recyclables will be picked up every other Friday. Please place the recyclables in your "RECYCLE" Container at your curbside away from your regular garbage.


LRS request that all recyclables be placed in your "RECYCLE" container. This means that all of your recyclable materials (glass, paper, plastic, metal, and cardboard) can be mixed together in one bag, as long as one person can easily lift the bag. 

Place garbage and recycling bags/containers at curb by 6:00 AM.  Garbage person must be able to tell which is garbage and which is recycling or they will not take the bags.