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Garbage Day is Now on Thursdays starting January 9, 2025!

The Town of Delton’s scheduled pickup day is changing from Friday to Thursday.  Please refer to the map and calendar below or visit

The blue cart is for recycling. It is picked up every other week. Your recycling week may be changing. The collection map will show you whether your recycling collection is on week A or B. Half the town is collected on each week.

Your collection calendar designates which weeks you should put your recycling cart out to be serviced along with your trash cart for that week.

The all-in-one recycling system allows you to put all of your recyclables in one cart. If you choose to bag your recyclables, use only clear plastic bags, and do not tie shut.

The dark brown cart is for trash. It is picked up every week on your scheduled day of pickup.  Please do not overfill your trash or recycling cart; the lids on the carts should be closed.

Carts must be set out by 6:00 a.m. and placed in the correct position. Pick-up times may vary from week to week. Trash and recycling carts are serviced at separate times during the day.

Do not put any trash and/or recycling to the curb that does not fit in the cart unless you have made arrangements in advance. There is a fee for this service. 

Please do not overload carts; the lids should shut.

All carts are the property of Pellitteri Waste Systems. 

Please do not take the carts if you move. 

You are responsible for any missing carts or damages to the carts other than normal wear and tear.

Bulky item pickup information is listed below. There is a fee for this service.

For further information on recycling locations please see Sauk County Clean Sweep Alternatives at: →

Trash and Recycling Calendar

Recycling Map 

Cart Packet